Welcome to DK's Korner...my little slice of the blogosphere. I plan to use this space to keep friends and family up to date on what is happening with the Olathe Kneeshaws.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

The Toothfairy Strikes Back

As we were sitting at the dinner table, Ryan told his Mom that his tooth felt funny and that he thought it was coming out...sure enough, it did not make it through the night. Ryan, with a little help from Dad, pulled his right front tooth out. And now we are left with a gap that you could drive a truck through. We have our own version of a Halloween Jack-o-lantern on our hands. All Ryan could say was "my teeth don't touch".


Unknown said...

LOVE the toothless look! That is so great! Congrats little man!

Bree said...

Ha ha... love the picture!